Which of these 3 songs will become the new single?

One of these 3 songs will be the new single!

Last Friday Lee Baxter went live on his Facebook Site from a recording studio in Warningcamp (West Sussex). Also there: Co-Writer Will Hall and sound engineer Mike who merged the first songs of the news album ‘TRUE TO ME’. It will appear in November. Baxter let his fans exclusively listen to the new songs ‘Ocean’, ‘Unemotional’ and ‘Heartbeat’ – one of these will be released as a new single in September.

‘Ocean’ – the tragic love song

“Ocean is a melodramatic love song, based on the old David Lynch films”, says Lee Baxter in the live stream while fans can hear a soft ballad in the background. “Der guitar sound reminds me a bit of the film ‘Twin Peaks’. I’m very proud of this song!”

“Unemotional” – Rock in 80s Style

‘Unemotional’ surprises with the rock sound of the 80s. Lee Baxter describes in it a situation which probably everybody knows: “If you experience unsightly things and carry deep inside of you these negative feelings with you – but you still smile to people in the face and pretend that nothing is. If there are worlds between what you give and what you really feel, but you prefer not to show any signs of it. Better be unemotional!”

“Heartbeat” – the uptempo song

“If you fall in love, you put your heart in the hands of your partner,” describes Lee Baxter the third song ‘Heartbeat’. “You make yourself vulnerable and take the risk of your heart being broken, and yet you do it because love is stronger.”

Live-Video von Lee Collin Baxter im Original

Which of these songs will be released as the first single of the new album “True to me” will be announced shortly. The fans are unanimous: they like the new Lee Baxter sound! Profound lyrics, varied, poppy melodies: the smart Brit lives his own music style and adds with a proud grin: “I admit it – I just love the ’80s!”

Towards the end of the live video, the Englishman once again provides goosebumps: Accompanied by Will Hall at the piano, he starts the song “Stay away” and gives a little foretaste of what the fans are doing at the acoustic concert on 23.06.2018 in Weinheim expected. A few remaining tickets are still available for 29.00 € each in the Lee Baxter Fanshop.


Lee Baxter Team

Ich bin Nicky und eine von vier Mädels, die im Lee Baxter Team arbeiten. Von mir erfährst Du alles, was bei Lee hinter den Kulissen läuft und was es Neues gibt! Wenn Du Fragen hast, melde Dich gerne bei mir.

Jeden Mittwoch plaudere ich übrigens auf unserem Facebook– und Instagram Team-Kanal exklusive aus dem Nähkästchen! 😆 Wenn Du das nicht verpassen möchtest, folge uns da gerne!

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